Volume 25.4

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Mark Skues

Obituary: Professor P E M Jarrett MA MB BChir FRCS (1943–2019)
Dr Tom W Ogg

Paediatric WalkIng Clinic – is it the future for ambulatory surgery?
S. Cavalete, C. Vieira, A.P. Silva & S. Pé D’arca

Ambulatory Dental Procedures in Children with Intellectual Disability: A Ten-Year Review
I. Morais I, J.T. Rodrigues, C. Peixoto, I. Sousa, E. Mesquita & A. Morais

Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Intrathecal Ropivacaine-Fentanyl and Bupivacaine-Fentanyl in Lower Abdominal and Lower Limb Surgeries
D.S. Prajwal, S.S. Kamath & A.F. Faiaz

Short-Term Morbidity Associated with Ambulatory Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy: A Spanish Tertiary Care Hospital Based Study and Literature Review
S Paradela, N Iglesias-Pena, S Pértega-Díaz, B Fernández-Jorge, Á García-Rozado, R Luaces-Rey, J Valero-Gasalla, L Albaina Latorre, A Tejera-Vaquerizo & E Fonseca-Capdevila

Volume 25.2

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Abstracts from 13th International Congress in Porto