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October 1998. Contents

Editorial. Office-based surgery: how should the International Association for Ambulatory Surgery proceed?
Tom Ogg

Australian men’s experience of cystoscopic day surgery: Part 2.
Judith Donoghue, Dianne Pelletier, Christine Duffield, Maria Torres.

Quality assurance and economical efficiency in ambulatory surgery: The German situation in gynaecological day surgery.
J. Hennefründ, E. Dewitt.

The economic framework of day surgery: a plea for appropriate appraisal.
Richard Brooks.

Implant of subcutaneous central venous access devices in outpatient surgery.
Francesco A D’Angelo, Giovanni Ramacciato, Paolo Aurello, Alessandra Caramitti, Gaetano Lanzetta, Salvatore Lauro, Matilde Magri.

Study of unilateral postherniorraphy analgesia with local anaesthetic and monitored anaesthesia care.
J.L.Porrero Carro, C.Sánchez-Cabezudo Dı́az-Guerra, P.Lee Wong.

Home readiness after day-case knee arthroscopy: spinal, desflurane, isoflurane or propofol anaesthesia?
M Martikainen, P Kaukoranta, T Kangas-Saarela.

Postoperative pain relief and recovery with ropivacaine infiltration after inguinal hernia repair.
Patrick Narchi, Pierre Yves Carry, Patrick Catoire, Maher Fleyfel, Jean Luc Hermant, Patrick Laurent, Jean Michel Pinhas, Alphonse Pulcini, Nadine Jacquemet, Francoise Trinquet.

Day case hernia repair under local versus general anaesthesia: patient preferences.
Kanna K Gnanalingham, Misra Budhoo.

The limits of ambulatory surgery.
Jesús Marı́a Villar del Moral, Juan Bautista Garcı́a Martos, José Tomás Torres Alcalá, Pedro Manuel Ruiz Lorenzo, Manuel Rodrı́guez Pérez, Sebastián Molina Garcı́a, Francisco Gil Garcı́a, José Manuel Martı́n Ruiz de la Herrán.

Literature Review – Selected Abstracts from current literature.

Download volume 6.3

August 1998. Contents

Jaun Marin.

Ambulatory surgery in the residents’ training programme.
J Aguilar, J Marı́n, M.J Pérez, F Garcı́a-Martı́nez.

An anesthetic data acquisition system in ambulatory surgery.
R Garcı́a-Aguado, C Zaragoza, M Tommasi-Rosso, M Granell, S Castaño, F Grau.

Ambulatory surgery and sleep disorders.
E Larrañaga, E Martı́n-Pérez, E González, A Galván, P Cardeñoso, G Blanc, P.A Serrano.

Plastic surgery in a day surgery unit: 1 year’s experience.
M Arnáiz Grande, J Midón, E Taboada, J Garcı́a-Barreiro, M Ulloa, F Martelo.

Quality assessment in ambulatory surgery in a community hospital.
M Prats, A Aldeano, L.A Hidalgo, J.M Badia, A Heredia, J.M Gubern.

Ambulatory surgery in Spain.
J Marin, S Esteban.

Analysis of complications and causes of unexpected hospitalisation in ambulatory surgery.
A Jiménez, M.D Arribas, C Murillo, J.M Abenia, M Elia, M González.

Lichtenstein unilateral hernia repair: results of 961 cases in a day surgery unit.
J Marin, A Gallardo, J Aguilar, L.Gomez Bujedo, S Marrero, A Zulueta, P Martinez, J.C.Gomez Rosado, J.P Roldan.

Day case laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
J.A Fatás, M.A Dobón, J Blanco.

Analgesic effect of intra-articular morphine after arthroscopic knee surgery. Abstract only
Jesús M Alvarez-Cabo, Margarita López-Rouco, Jose R González-Paleo.

Ambulatory ophthalmological surgical program for insulin-dependent diabetic patients.
E Mata, M.J Fas, M.J Bassons, A Melero, T Pintanel.