Download volume 8.4

October 2000.  Contents

The time has come to promote true day surgery.
P.E.M Jarrett, C De Lathouwer, T.W Ogg.

Laboratory tests in children undergoing ambulatory surgery: a review of clinical practice and scientific studies.
Ramesh I Patel, Raafat S Hannallah.

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction as a day case with extended recovery.
Mogens Haug, Lilli Sørensen, Ole Dichmann.

Anesthesia and surgical repair of aponeurotic hernias in ambulatory surgery.
Miguel Angel Garcı́a-Ureña, Miguel Velasco Garcı́a, Vicente Vega Ruı́z, Francisco Javier Carnero, David Portilla Huerta, Marı́a Sol Carrasco Jiménez.

Fees for outpatient operations in Germany: development, evaluation and European comparison.
Wolfgang Rulf, Richard Cowlard, Dirk De Jong, Claude De Lathouwer, Viktor Grablowitz, Andreas Halder, Juan Marin, Marc-Claude Marti, Jean-Patrick Sales.

Fast tracking in ambulatory surgery.
Girish P Joshi, Rebecca S Twersky.

How much ambulatory surgery in the World in 1996–1997 and trends?
C De Lathouwer, J.P Poullier.

Report of the 15th annual meeting of the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia.
Barbara Gold.

Download volume 8.3

July 2000. Contents

Online shopping for ambulatory surgery: let the buyer beware!
Bernard V Wetchler.

The paradox of ambulatory surgery in the third world.
I.J.P Loefler.

Patient satisfaction after ambulatory inguinal hernia repair in Hong Kong.
Hung Lau, Jensen Poon, Francis Lee.

Anxiety management: a distinct nursing role in day surgery.
Mark Mitchell.

The pain of haemorrhoidectomy: a prospective study.
R.I Limb, G.E Rudkin, A.J Luck, L Hunt, P.J Hewett.

Ambulatory surgery for groin hernia: the Gilbert repair.
E.Martı́n Pérez, R Barriga, M.A Rodrı́guez, E Larrañaga, J.M Figueroa, P.A Serrano.

One-week recovery profiles after spinal, propofol, isoflurane and desflurane anaesthesia in ambulatory knee arthroscopy.
M. Martikainen, T. Kangas-Saarela, A. Löppönen, T. Salomäki.

Day surgery for older people (70+): selection versus outcome effects.
John McCallum, Tamo Nakamura, Rosalind Bye, Debra Jackson.

Abstracts – download

Premedication with EMLA cream for ambultory surgery in children.
A. Santiago, P. Abad, C. Fernandez, J.C. Fernandez-Rial, M. Barcena, J. Medina.

Quality indicators in ambulatory surgery. A prospective study.
R. Morales, N. Esteve, A. Carmona, F. Garcia, A. Sanchez, P. Olesti.

Outpatient surgical unit: critical review after the first year of operation.
B. Sanmarti, X. Mira, M. Martinez, F. Hidalgo, P. Nubiola, A. Pedernera, J. Alayrach.
Contribution of the outpatient surgery unit ITO the general surgery department of a district hospital.
L. Carrasco, B. Flores, J.L. Aguayo, B. de Andres, A. Moreno Egea, J. Cartagena, J.P. De Vicente, J.G. Martin.
Treatment of the abdominal wall defects in an ambulatory surgical setting: our experience.
B. Flores, L. Carrasco, J.L. Aguayo, A. Moreno Egea, J. Cartagena, J.P. De Vicente, R. Liron, M.F. Candel.

Download volume 8.1

January 2000. Contents

Editorial: After-care; the changing look of recovery care
Bernard V Wetchler

Nursing care for ambulatory day surgery: the concept and organization of nursing care.
Yvonne Bergström, Thomas Carlson, Anette Jonsson.

Growth potential of ambulatory surgery in The Netherlands.
D.K Wasowicz, R.F Schmitz, H.J Borghans, R.R.M De Groot, P.M.N.Y.H Go.

Caring for the carer: an audit of the day surgery service for carers within the Wessex region of England.
J.F Hazelgrove, D.W Robins.

Psychological preparation for patients undergoing day surgery.
Mark Mitchell.

Primary inguinal hernia repair utilizing the mesh ‘plug’ technique.
A Abu-Own, M Onwudike, K.A Haque, S.G Barker.

Volatile induction and maintenance (VIMA) versus total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) for minor gynaecological procedures.
E.L Ong, J.W Chiu, J.L Chong, K.M Kwan.

The use of 0.25% lignocaine combined with fentanyl and mivacurium for intravenous regional anaesthesia (IVRA) of the upper limb.
Noelle Louise Siew Hua Lim, Ee Lyn Ong.

Abstracts – download all
Intravenous regional anaesthesia: evaluation of four different additives to lidocaine.
L Muňo, C Gomez, JP Ortega, C Pardillos, S Rasal, A Bueno, A Urieta.

Outpatient oftalmological surgery at the Hospital General de Baza between 1995 and 1997.
JL García Serrano, EJ Martín Ruiz, T Mylonopoulos, L Bustamante, MD Lara, A Alarcón.

Laringeal microsurgery as an outpatient procedure.
V Tortosa, T Pérez, V Gisbert, C Díaz, MaD Sánchez-Alcón, T Seijas.

First year experience in a day surgery unit in a medical care centre under public ownership.
A Jiménez, C García-Algora, JM Remartínez, C Murillo, JM Abenia, J Cuartero, M González.

Design and structure of ambulatory surgical units.
C Sánchez-Cabezudo Díaz-Guerra, JL Porrero Carro.

Considerations over the off-work period after inguinal herniorraphy.
A Martín Duce, F Arrieta, E Tobaruela, JM Mugűerza, R Villeta, M Diez, A Gutierrez, F Noguerales, J Granell.

Ambulatory surgery of PTFE (gore-tex) vascular prosthesis for hemodialisys.
D Pacheco, JR Polo, R Vázquez, J Sanabia, JA Rueda, José A Alcazar.

Indications of long-term central venous catheter. A 290-case experience.
AT Calderón Duque, S Alonso Lera, JL Gómez Muňoz, L Rabada´n, J Alvarez Fernández-Represa.

Gynaecological outpatient unit. Our experience.
P Deulofeu, LL Casanova, A Avecilla, P Sánchez, J Codina, L Díaz, C Utrera